4. Implementing the controller as a class

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4.1 Introduction

We can improve on the ugliness of a monolithic script and global variables using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). A full introduction to OOP is beyond the scope of this tutorial, so it is expected that you are familiar with the fundamentals: classes, objects, methods, properties, methods and inheritance. By making our controller an object, it is able to share data between its different methods (in the callbacks and the main thread) without using ugly global variables. Furthermore, we can make our controller a child of the ROS Node class which tidies up a lot of ROS interaction, inspired by the minimal ROS examples.

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4.2 Example code

To run this example:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-simple-class.yml up --build

The key file is fenswood_drone_controller/fenswood_drone_controller/controller_simple_class.py subdirectory. The remainder of this section describes how it works. Only differences from the old school are covered and details may refer back to explanations in that example.

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node

# import message definitions for receiving status and position
from mavros_msgs.msg import State
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
# import message definition for sending setpoint
from geographic_msgs.msg import GeoPoseStamped

# import service definitions for changing mode, arming, take-off and generic command
from mavros_msgs.srv import SetMode, CommandBool, CommandTOL, CommandLong

The initial imports are the same as before, with the exception of the extra import of the Node class from rclpy which we will use as the parent of our controller.

class FenswoodDroneController(Node):

Straight into the definition of our custom FenswoodDroneController class which will be a child of the ROS Node class. This means it will have all the same methods and properties as a Node, plus any extra we add and any changes we make by overloading.

    def __init__(self):

The __init__ function (the constructor) of the parent Node class is called explicitly, setting any FenswoodDroneController up as a ROS Node with the name provided.

        self.last_state = None     # global for last received status message
        self.last_pos = None       # global for last received position message
        self.init_alt = None       # global for global altitude at start
        self.last_alt_rel = None   # global for last altitude relative to start

Stores for information shared between different parts of the class are initialized here as properties of the controller, referenced by the self keywords. These relate one-to-one with the old global variables but will be local to the controller object. Thus if we ever made more than one controller node, each would have its own data: much better!

    # on receiving status message, save it to global
    def state_callback(self,msg):
        self.last_state = msg
        self.get_logger().debug('Mode: {}.  Armed: {}.  System status: {}'.format(msg.mode,msg.armed,msg.system_status))

    # on receiving positon message, save it to global
    def position_callback(self,msg):
        # determine altitude relative to start
        if self.init_alt:
            self.last_alt_rel = msg.altitude - self.init_alt
        self.last_pos = msg
        self.get_logger().debug('Drone at {}N,{}E altitude {}m'.format(msg.latitude,

The callbacks are defined as methods of the FenswoodDroneController class, as they are indented to be part of the class definition. They therefore have access to the properties via the self command and we don't need any nasty global stuff. The functionalisyt is the same as before: just save the messages as they come in, and calculate a relative altitude if an initial altitude has been set.

    def wait_for_new_status(self):
        if self.last_state:
            # if had a message before, wait for higher timestamp
            last_stamp = self.last_state.header.stamp.sec
            for try_wait in range(60):
                if self.last_state.header.stamp.sec > last_stamp:
            for try_wait in range(60):
                if self.last_state:

The wait_for_new_status function is unchanged, save for becoming a method. As before, if a previous status message has been received, wait for a newer one, otherwise wait for the first one.

    def run(self):
        # set up two subscribers, one for vehicle state...
        state_sub = self.create_subscription(State, 'mavros/state', self.state_callback, 10)
        # ...and the other for global position
        pos_sub = self.create_subscription(NavSatFix, 'mavros/global_position/global', self.position_callback, 10)

The run method executes all the control activities (like the former main function). It starts by subscribing to the state and global position topics. Note: you could put the subscribers in the __init__ function, and the functionality of the code would be identical in this example. However, I always prefer to put subscribers in a separate run or start method. That way, you can instantiate an object from the controller class without firing up all the callbacks, which is helpful if you sometimes want to do other tasks separate to the control work.

Because our class is a child of the Node class, methods of that parent class can be accessed via self, such as self.create_subscription.

        # first wait for the system status to become 3 "standby"
        # see https://mavlink.io/en/messages/common.html#MAV_STATE
        for try_standby in range(60):
            if self.last_state.system_status==3:
                self.get_logger().info('Drone ready for flight')

        # send command to request regular position updates
        cmd_req = CommandLong.Request()
        cmd_req.command = 511
        cmd_req.param1 = float(33)  # msg ID for position is 33 \
                                    # https://mavlink.io/en/messages/common.html#GLOBAL_POSITION_INT
        cmd_req.param2 = float(1000000)    # 1000000 micro-second interval : 1Hz rate
        cmd_cli = self.create_client(CommandLong, 'mavros/cmd/command')
        while not cmd_cli.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
            self.get_logger().info('command_int service not available, waiting again...')
        future = cmd_cli.call_async(cmd_req)
        rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future)    # wait for response
        self.get_logger().info('Requested position stream')

        # now change mode to GUIDED
        mode_req = SetMode.Request()
        mode_req.custom_mode = "GUIDED"
        mode_cli = self.create_client(SetMode, 'mavros/set_mode')
        while not mode_cli.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
            self.get_logger().info('set_mode service not available, waiting again...')
        future = mode_cli.call_async(mode_req)
        rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future)    # wait for response
        self.get_logger().info('Request sent for GUIDED mode.')

        # next, try to arm the drone
        arm_req = CommandBool.Request()
        arm_req.value = True
        arm_cli = self.create_client(CommandBool, 'mavros/cmd/arming')
        while not arm_cli.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
            self.get_logger().info('arming service not available, waiting again...')
        # keep trying until arming detected in state message, or 60 attempts
        for try_arm in range(60):
            future = arm_cli.call_async(arm_req)
            rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future)
            self.get_logger().info('Arming request sent.')
            if self.last_state.armed:
                self.get_logger().info('Arming successful')
                # armed - grab init alt for relative working
                if self.last_pos:
                    self.init_alt = self.last_pos.altitude
            self.get_logger().error('Failed to arm')

        # take off and climb to 20.0m at current location
        takeoff_req = CommandTOL.Request()
        takeoff_req.altitude = 20.0
        takeoff_cli = self.create_client(CommandTOL, 'mavros/cmd/takeoff')
        while not takeoff_cli.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
            self.get_logger().info('takeoff service not available, waiting again...')
        # only call once - seems to work OK
        future = takeoff_cli.call_async(takeoff_req)
        rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future)
        self.get_logger().info('Takeoff request sent.')

        # wait for drone to reach desired altitude, or 60 attempts
        for try_alt in range(60):
            self.get_logger().info('Climbing, altitude {}m'.format(self.last_alt_rel))
            if self.last_alt_rel > 19.0:
                self.get_logger().info('Close enough to flight altitude')

        # move drone by sending setpoint message
        target_msg = GeoPoseStamped()
        target_msg.pose.position.latitude = 51.423
        target_msg.pose.position.longitude = -2.671
        target_msg.pose.position.altitude = self.init_alt - 30.0 # unexplained correction factor
        target_pub = self.create_publisher(GeoPoseStamped, 'mavros/setpoint_position/global', 10)
        self.wait_for_new_status() # short delay after creating publisher ensures message not lost
        self.get_logger().info('Sent drone to {}N, {}E, altitude {}m'.format(target_msg.pose.position.latitude,

        # wait for drone to reach desired position, or timeout after 60 attempts
        for try_arrive in range(60):
            d_lon = self.last_pos.longitude - target_msg.pose.position.longitude
            d_lat = self.last_pos.latitude - target_msg.pose.position.latitude
            self.get_logger().info('Target error {},{}'.format(d_lat,d_lon))
            if abs(d_lon) < 0.0001:
                if abs(d_lat) < 0.0001:
                    self.get_logger().info('Close enough to target delta={},{}'.format(d_lat,d_lon))

        # return home and land
        mode_req.custom_mode = "RTL"
        future = mode_cli.call_async(mode_req)
        rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future)    # wait for response
        self.get_logger().info('Request sent for RTL mode.')

        # now just serve out the time until process killed
        while rclpy.ok():

The rest of this method is almost identical to the old school example but with the globals replaced by the properties. Note also extensive use of the Node methods, e.g. self.get_logger() or self.create_publisher().

def main(args=None):


    controller_node = FenswoodDroneController()

We still have to have a main function as the entry point for the script, but now it just creates a new object of the FenswoodDroneController class and then executes its run() method.

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above is the same 'Python thing' as before, redirecting to the main function if this file is executed as a script.

4.3 Exercises

All exercises involve editing the file fenswood_drone_controller/fenswood_drone_controller/controller_simple_class.py

  1. Move the camera. Publish a message of type std_msgs/Float32 to the /vehicle_1/gimbal_tilt_cmd topic to move the camera, with 0 in the data field being horizontal and 1.57 being straight downwards.

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